Monday, September 20, 2010

Clyde Butcher : black and white :)

In photography class there is a poster of Clyde Butcher so i decided to look him up. i went to his website and found out that he's a black and white photographer. i also found out that nature is very important to him. i loved his photographs because they kind of remind me of the some of the photographs that i like. i think i'm the best at shooting nature rather than people and i think black and white photographs are just beautiful, thats why i thought Clyde Butchers photography somewhat represented my style

1 comment:

  1. I love black and white photos... dey are like old letters wer we allow ourselves to get lost fr a while in the memories or in the moment..
    in fact i always take a blackn'white pic myself, evrytym.. it captures my senses.. in a nostalgic way..
